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Team Locals Media News.

Big Screen Portsmouth showing of 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story'


On Friday, 4 May 2018 the Big Screen invites you for a one-off, special screening of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

Former scientists Galen Erso lives with his wife and daughter, Jyn on a farm where his peaceful existence comes crashing down when the evil Orson Krennic takes him away from his loved ones. Years later, Galen becomes the Empire's lead engineer for the most powerful weapon in the galaxy, the Death Star. Knowing that her father holds the key to its destruction, Jyn joins forces with a spy and other resistance fighters to steal the space station's plans for the Rebel Alliance.

Watch as the adventure unfolds in Guildhall Square from 6:30pm (film commencing at 7:00pm). First-come, first-serve seating will be freely available for you to enjoy this outdoor screening. This is the second May The Fourth event we've hosted, building on the success of last year's Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie screening which saw more than 300 of you attend.

We advised that this is a 12a rated movie by the British Board of Film Classification and as such, no one younger than 12 may see this 12A film unless accompanied by an adult. Adults planning to take a child under 12 to view this 12A film should consider whether the film is suitable for their accompanied child.

Further details relating to this event will be announced closer to the time. Be sure to stay tuned to Big Screen Portsmouth News page for the latest:

For updates visit:


"Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" and "Star Wars" are trademarks and copyright of LucasFilm Ltd. and The Walt Disney Company. This event is presented through license approved from The Walt Disney Company.

The event is presented to you for free by The Big Screen Portsmouth, a partnership between Portsmouth City Council and The University of Portsmouth.

There is a maximum capacity of 1,000 guests for this event.