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Isle of Wight MP learns more about Wightlink’s contribution to tourism

MP Bob Seely with Captain Alex Procopuk.jpg

Wightlink welcomed a new team member on Saturday (24 March) when Isle of Wight MP Bob Seely went ‘back to the floor’ for the morning at its Yarmouth terminal as part of English Tourism Week.

Bob got a behind the scenes insight into Wightlink’s connections with Lymington, assisted staff with operations including marshalling traffic and saw how ticket office colleagues answered customers’ questions.

“Many thanks to Wightlink for inviting me to see the Yarmouth operation — it was great to meet staff and take part in helping people on and off the Isle of Wight. Thank you to the whole team for taking the time to chat.

“Tourism is worth many millions to the Island and it employs many people. It’s vital that Wightlink and all the ferry firms play a strong role in encouraging and developing our visitor economy.” 

Wightlink is currently investing £45 million in its fleet and infrastructure. It includes improvements to its Fishbourne and Portsmouth terminals and the construction of a new environmentally friendly hybrid energy ferry – Victoria of Wight – due to be welcomed into service this summer. Wightlink transports more than 4,500,000 people to and from the Island each year via its three cross-Solent routes.

Keith Greenfield, chief executive at Wightlink, said: “We would like to thank Bob for working alongside our staff at our Yarmouth terminal on Saturday. He certainly surprised a few of our customers who weren’t expecting to see their local MP directing them onto the ferry!

“Wightlink recognises the importance of tourism to the Island’s economy and remains committed to working with partners Visit Isle of Wight to highlight the many unique features which make it such an attractive year round holiday destination.”

English Tourism Week is promoted by Visit England to celebrate the value and quality of tourism in the country. Holidaymakers and visitors contribute £106 billion a year of revenue in England, supporting thousands of businesses and providing 2.6 million jobs.