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Portsmouth Councillor gearing up for first Sky Ride Local

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Portsmouth City Council’s cabinet member for Traffic & Transportation, Cllr Jim Fleming, has signed up for the next Sky Ride Local event which takes place on Sunday 31st July at 10:00am.

British Cycling trained ride leaders will guide participants on the 9 mile route along Southsea seafront starting from the D-Day museum. The ride is billed as a perfect ride for beginners looking to gain some cycling experience.

Councillor Jim Fleming said: “We are passionate about getting more people riding in the city and want to encourage as many people as possible to sign up for a place on one of the free Sky Ride Local guided rides this summer.”

There are a number of free local guided rides of various distances taking place over the next few weeks across Portsmouth — which are delivered in partnership with British Cycling. Upcoming events are taking place on the following dates.

• 7 August: Langstone Harbour Explorer, 15 miles
• 14 August: Mountbatten to Cosham Park Cruise, three miles
• 21 August: Portsmouth to Port Solent Pedal, eight miles
• 4 September: Farlington Marshes, 11 miles
• 11 September: Portsmouth to Gosport Solent Saddle, 16 miles
• 25 September: Portsmouth to Fishbourne Loop, 29 miles

Find out more about the rides and sign up for a place at