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Portsmouth Festivities open 2018 community programme

2018 marks the 19th anniversary of Portsmouth Festivities. Each year, the Festivities celebrate the best of Portsmouth, and offer creative individuals and organisations the chance to showcase their work.

Since the Festivities Community Programme was introduced in 2014, it has grown to become a great success, with the events being well-received within the city of Portsmouth.

Events like Come Sing a Sea Shanty, which sold out, and ‘Croshare’ filled the community space at Aspex Gallery. Many of these community events continued after Festivities ended, giving it a great legacy.

Portsmouth Festivities are calling for organisations and individuals from Portsmouth to apply to put on an event as part of Festivities 2018. This is a fantastic chance to showcase new and existing talent within a Festivities framework.

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It’s a wonderful opportunity within the city, and it will increase Portsmouth Festivities’ offer to deliver the best programme yet. The theme for 2018 is FREEDOM. Not every application has to hold this theme, as this would be unrealistic, but if it does, then it could definitely guarantee some freedom to the entertainment provided to our audience.

Erica Smith, Festivities Director, said: “We are pleased to announce the opening of the community
programme again. In 2017, there were more than 150 events during Festivities. This is a great opportunity to be part of it.”

Portsmouth Festivities 2018 will run between Friday 15 and Sunday 24 June.

For your chance to be involved and to propose an event, contact the Festivities team at or visit

The deadline for entries is midday on Thursday 7th December 2017.