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Video: Fifty One Degrees at Innovation Space Portsmouth

Video: Fifty One Degrees at Innovation Space Portsmouth

Caroline Sumners, founder and owner of Portsmouth-based marketing firm Fifty One Degrees, spoke to Team Locals Portsmouth about her experience hotdesking at Innovation Space.

Caroline, who has had over 16 years of experience in the marketing industry, won her first two months at Innovation Space in a competition in 2015 before taking up a permanent position in the shared collaborative office space.

“Running your own business can be really isolating for a one-person business,” she explained. “One of the key things is that you get a real feeling of collaboration. It is way harder to start and run a business than I ever thought it would be, and it’s a real benefit that there are other people here who are in the same position as you.

“The talks that Innovation Space run — mainly on a Wednesday evening — have been really useful to me, and they cover everything from branding to accounting, writing a business plan, and even how to think about IP and copyright.

“Everyone here is really friendly, helpful, and supportive.”

One of Caroline’s many clients is the University of Portsmouth, who run the shared workspace on Hampshire Terrace, sited at the heart of Portsmouth’s university community and in one of the city’s strongest business districts.

At the time of writing, the next free talk at Innovation Space — open to both members and non-members — offers an introduction to bookkeeping on Wednesday 1st June 2016. Find out more about this event here on Team Locals »

Watch our interview with Caroline below: