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Glow Ride Portsmouth 2018


Pedal Portsmouth Glow Ride returns to Portsmouth this Saturday 10th November but with a new location taking place on Southsea seafront, an extended route, and brand new event village. 

Attendees are encouraged to dress brightly and decorate their bikes with with lights, hi-vis, and other glow-in-the-dark accessories to make this the brightest event yet.

The all new Glow Ride event village will be open from 2:00pm with food, drink, music from Express FM, and an abundance of cycling-related activities and advice. Before the ride starts you can get your bike checked over by the council’s Bike Doctor team, security marked (between 2:00pm and 3:00pm), and chat all things bike with a host of local suppliers.

Road safety officers can assist you with cycling advice including how to enjoy quieter routes around the city, self-guided cycle tours or social rides, as well as guidance about general safe cycling. The event village will also feature music and chat from Express FM's Darren Gamblen.

Cllr Lynne Stagg, Cabinet Member for Traffic and Transport, said: "I'm so excited to be attending this year's Glow Ride and can't wait to see all the fantastic effort that people always make with their lit cycles, high vis and outfits.

"Glow Ride is always a popular family event; we had over 1100 people take part in 2017, and this year's ride looks to set to attract at least that amount, if not more, with a new extended route and event village.

"The serious message behind the fun is to be bright, be seen, to increase cyclists' visibility amongst other road users and stay safe on the road after dark. Glow Ride gets this message across in a fun way and creates lasting memories."

If you wish to leave your bike while you visit the event village you can use secure, temporary cycle parking along Avenue De Caen. Cycles are left at the owners risk and cyclists should bring a suitable lock to secure their bike. 

Starting at 4:30pm on Clarence Esplanade, near the junction with Avenue De Caen, cyclists will ride the 3km traffic-free, circular route along the Esplanade, and around Southsea Common towards Clarence Parade and the Ladies' Mile. Cyclists and spectators can enjoy music along the route with The Pompey Pluckers and Parasamba providing the soundtrack for the ride.

There will be a shorter separate route for younger cyclists this year. Children can enjoy a mini assault course in the event village, or cycle the route ahead of the main event at 4:30pm.

Southsea Skatepark will be open from 10:00am, starting with mini-wheelers morning sessions for children aged 3 - 10, followed by general admission (normal rates apply). If you just want to watch all the action at the skatepark, you can do this for free. Find out more about Southsea Skate Park here »

Glow Ride is open to all ages and abilities and is fully accessible for adapted bikes and child trailers.

British Cycling are organising led feeder rides from Cosham and Farlington Marshes, ending at the event. If you want to arrive in style, visit and follow the links.

On the day, registration will be open from 2:00pm.

Event schedule

•         12:00pm - 3:30pm cycle route open

•         2:00pm event village opens

•         3:30pm - 4:30pm cycle route closes (in preparation for the main event)

•         4:30pm - 6:30pm Glow Ride

•         6:00pm prizes for best-lit cyclists

•         7:00pm event village closes